Flower Market + Farm Tour + Giveaway

Join us for an evening filled with flowers and fun on July 18th from 4 - 7 pm! We will be having a flower market, farm tour, and a flower subscription giveaway! (more details below). Registration will also be open for our late season flower subscription session. Products available at market include premium long stem bouquets, mason jar bouquets, posies, as well as mix and match single variety bouquets. 

Here is the evenings line up:

4-7 pm: Farm market with free refreshing drinks & subscription give away
4-7 pm: Flower subscription registration  
5:30 pm: Guided farm tour 
6:15 pm: Flower growing and bouquet making Q & A
7:00 pm: Drawing for flower subscription giveaway (you don't have to be present to win)

**Flower subscription details and information can be found here: https://www.brighthopefamilyfarm.com/.../flower...

Facebook event: https://www.facebook.com/share/agwWtCwEe7yCDSLs/

Bring a friend! We look forward to seeing you! Reach out with any questions. Thank you for supporting local flowers! 


Join us for Christmas at the Flower Farm


Why does local matter?